"Seven bums and fourteen legs,
a brazen ecstasy which begs
the question some of us are asking -
is Peter Goulding multi-tasking?"

Martin Parker, Editor, Lighten Up Online

Saturday, February 19, 2011

New York New York

My darling wife and daughter are currently en route to New York for five days of gawping upwards and I am left with the problem of how to fill my time until they return. My initial plan of mounting an assault on counties Mayo and Donegal to visit some lighthouses (sorry, I'm something of a lighthouse anorak) has fallen through as my beloved has taken both the camera and the camcorder.
So my plan for the next few days is -

1) Write in the mornings until its late enough to play my guitar and
2) Play my guitar.
3) Stay up until three in the morning watching stuff on TV that I've absolutely no interest in.

I'm also determined to walk into the hall and kitchen without taking my shoes off, to let the delph pile up in the washing bowl until shortly before she arrives home and to leave my socks and jocks on the bedroom floor for days on end.

I'm getting quite good at the guitar now. I have figured out which way round to hold it and can play loads of songs, though none that anybody would recognise.


  1. Excellent!! Sounds like a chilled out, yet suspiciously productive few days... writing in the mornings is a great policy. Enjoy.

  2. We love lighthouses too. Sadly, if you look at a map of Ohio you'll see that we aren't really NEAR any. There is a really cute one on Lake Erie that we visit periodically. I think you should go anyway - you'll have your memories to sustain you :)

  3. Excellent plan! Too much detail, perhaps, with the jocks bit. I know a retired lighthouse keeper! He lives just down the road.
