"Seven bums and fourteen legs,
a brazen ecstasy which begs
the question some of us are asking -
is Peter Goulding multi-tasking?"

Martin Parker, Editor, Lighten Up Online

Friday, December 17, 2010

IPYPIASM - Dublin 15 branch reporting in

Following the exortations of our glorious leader, Chairman Various and mindful of the impending blanket of snow that will shortly curtail the operation, the Dublin 15 branch of International Put Your Poem in a Shop Month launched a surprise blitzkrieg on Blanchardstown Shopping Centre this morning. I am happy to report the attack was gloriously successful, with no casualties reported.
First up was the artist formerly known as Roches (my wife loved Roches so much she can't bring herself to same the name D____hams)

Then it was across to HMV and into the Country music section

Down the mall now to Easons. I was particularly pleased with the placement of this. I actually came back an hour later and it was still there

Finally, or so I thought, I went downstairs to Tommy's, a cheap toy and gift and huckster-type shop...

I then went across to PC World / Curry's to buy something for my wife. To cut a long story short, I had to wait for 30 minutes. Now how most profitably to spend a half an hour?

The Dublin 15 branch respectfully submits its report and hopes that the upstart Caledonian brigade takes note...


  1. Aargh! They are so brilliant!
    The fact that you have signed them, and named the movement, takes this lot to another level. And the message... poems with a poem-y message.

    In awe, but not Caledonian awe. I'm just an Essex girl adrift.

  2. Wowee!! Now that is a serious spread of poems in shops!
    Fair play Dublin 15, it was a while coming, but it was well worth the wait!
    And yes, very official with the signature and such positive vibes coming from each and every one!
    (Yes this is a record breaking attempt for most exclamation marks in one comment!)

  3. Hi Titus - Chex Guevara said he wasn't Argentinian but a Citizen of the World.
    Glorious leader, we are only pawns doing your bidding.

  4. I love these! And you were very brave to put your name on there :). I have GOT
    to participate. I just don't ever go to shops. Except the grocery - & it's so
    busy & I'm just not sure I have the courage to place a poem & get a picture.
    Need to borrow Dr. Linthead's cell phone - it takes nice surreptitious pictures.

  5. Dublin 15 you are awesome! I'm seriously behind. No excuse (schnow, shtired, s'parties, shungover) Will do better

  6. Good work comrade. Particularly liked the last one done on the hoof, and the irony of the poem with the poetry books. Good idea too, to sign/explain the poem.

  7. The Kildare branch finally gets enough bottle (low traffic aisles only)
