The series began in 2006 with Mongrel Scribe and they have brought out an anthology of works every year since. I decided not to submit this year - I get far too much exposure and I was only taking up space from people who would benefit much more from being included.
In relation to other writers groups around - and I'm particularly thinking of Lucan Writers and Boyne Writers here - we are a very inexperienced group. Tony Devlin has had some success with his poetry and I have too; a couple have had articles in Ireland's Own and one has published a couple of novels -but by and large, most remain unpublished, except in Phoenix Ink.
The book will be launched by local writer Pat Quigley who runs regular creative writing evening classes locally and whose group has been a constant feeder group for Phoenix Ink down through the years.
"one has published a couple of novels"! that's pretty experienced if you ask me